Curfew implied from 11 pm to 4.30 am: Alcohol Ban has been Lifted Finally!

On December 2020 three corona patients died in a day. The Netherlands were allowed to come directly to Curacao then. But the rising number of deaths made the government thinks otherwise. That’s when the government took strict safety measures. But from January 11, 2021, the government has lifted the prohibition against alcohol consumption.

Reasons for adopting the measures

All these measures were being adopted because of the current pandemic situation. The government is still concerned with the further spread of COVID related sickness. The alcohol ban was being abided by all Curacao residents since December 1, 2020.

The overall lockdown has been eased, and the curfew’s time limit had been changed to 11 pm to 4.30 am. Residents of Curacao are advised to stay at home during the period of curfew.

All the restaurants of Curacao have been allowed to keep 50% of its visitor in this period. The restaurant owners can serve their customer in the terrace and outdoor until 10 pm

Beach bars and snack bars can remain open until 7 pm.

Up to a maximum of 8 pm, Supermarkets and minimarkets can be opened according to their authorization. And also can serve 50% of their average capacity of people.

No drugs are good for health. And alcohol addiction is as harmful as any deadly drugs available in the market. Most ignored yet dangerous addiction which has considered causing the highest death throughout the world is Alcohol addiction.

People don’t realize it or ignore the catastrophic aspect of a person’s day to day life. There was a study which proved an alcoholic has less productivity in work and personal life. It also makes a person feel less confident and create a lot of health complications. And in the time of this COVID-19 infection being healthy and having a sound immune system can make the difference between life and death. Though the Casino owners were angry earlier, they must abide by the rules now.

The previous decision of the alcohol ban shocked all the casino owners. They have been told to stop using alcohol in or outside their casino and hotel. The casino was told to close their doors for a while too.