Online gambling or internet gambling has been popular in most of the European Union countries since its first opening in October 1994. In today’s date, the gambling market worth more than 40$ billion! The expansion of this market has gone through many difficulties and modification. While legalizing this online gambling platform MGA or Maltese Gambling Authority has excellent rules and policies. Since their starting days of 2001, this licensing company has proven beneficial for both of the parties.
MGA has gained its current trust among gamers because of their strict behaviour towards rules and regulations. For their goodwill, the Maltese government has selected them as a trustworthy mediator between gamers and operator.
A lot of online gamblers choose particular websites to gamble who holds MGA license. The reason behind this action is fair and profitable online gambling policies of Malta iGaming Authority. Their policies include-
1. Proper gambling principles
MGA has formed its online gambling principles according to the legal casino principles. In their polices the relation between operator websites and players are properly maintained.
2. Addiction preventions policies
Most of the time, an offline gambler gets addicted to gambling to some extent. The rules of MGA have been formed to keep that problem in mind. The gamer and operator have certain boundaries to follow while playing online gambling games. This prevents the risk of a player to get addicted.
3. Setting Loss limits
MGA has declared a loss limit for an online gambler. This prevents someone who has developed his likeliness towards online gambling to avoid taking a careless step.
4. The age limit of players
MGA has fixed a specific age limit of players who can take part in this online gambling platform.
5. Rules against money laundering
Laundering has been an excellent problem for gambling platform. But MGA has set policies to prevent this problem and establish a safe gameplay policy.
6. Rules against terrorist financing
There is a lot of online gaming platform which allows terrorists to finance in their gambling corporations. But not the websites under MGA license.
There are a lot of European countries who have welcomed and legalized the online gambling platform. And nowadays the MGA has proven its capabilities and became popular in this particular industry. A lot of online gamblers website has been taking their license from MGA since then. There is a lot of eGamer choosing websites for betting or playing who holds MGA license in recent days.