Trusted Issue Not Been Resolved by Suspended Gaming Commission

The Gaming Commission voted to postpone the gaming license of Rod Ratcliff and order that long time casino operator restrains from employing any domination or control over Spectacle Entertainment. But it apparently does not appear that there has been any movement in getting someone to oversee his stake of ownership.

As said in the Order 2020-168, Ratcliff needed to reinitiate his trust accord and replace his present trustee with a person grantable to the Gaming Commission by the previous Friday. The Commission defines grantable as a person who is independent of any impact of Indianapolis company and Ratcliff and not previously nor presently has any interest or bias in a Spectacle affiliate or entity.

Ratcliff, the founder, CEO, and former Chairman of Spectacle had suspended his own license after his nearly a year-long investigation into the Gaming firm. The urgent suspension has been slated to the previous 90 days. After that, the Commission could seek to admonish the license of a person involved in Indiana Gambling since 1990.

In Gary, Spectacle possesses the Majestic Star Casino. It has also partnered with Hard Rock International’s company in creating Hard Rock Northern Indiana, a brick-and-mortar casino located in the northwest of Indiana City.

Spectacle Inspection Grows

Initially, the inspection concentrated on just illegal campaign donations made by Centaur Gaming, which is Ratcliff’s former commerce. But the inspection continued, more faults were found.

The plan included different consultants getting persons to donate to the Waltz Republic’s primary campaign for the Ninth District of Indiana. The consultants would send fake memos to Centaur for reported research projects. After being paid, the consultants provided refunds to pre-listed contributors and donors.

Both John Keeler, an ex-Centaur and Spectacle executive and Waltz were charged in September.

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